A JUMP Extension for JDeveloper 10g |
Check out the Project Page on sourceforge.net
Description, Installation & Configuration |
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Description |
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Installation |
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Configuration |
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Usage |
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Simplest case: Generate a new JUMP Project |
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We want it to generate the simplest JUMP infrastructure. First you need to create a new Project
in JDeveloper.
Then, you can invoke the Gallery (File | New), and you select the Projects Node, under the General Folder:
Choose JUMP Project skeleton. Once again, this has to be done in an existing JDeveloper Project, as the same JDeveloper project can possibly contain several JUMP Projects.
Edit a resource file |
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If some UI changes have to be made, then you want to edit the graphical resource file:
Whenever you've added some components, the .h file has been changed. You want the java file(s) to reflect those changes.
Compile and Deploy |
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Once your project is ready, you want to generate the prc after it.
Test |
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Once your project has been generated, you can test it.
See the JUMP Documentation for more details about the way to write Palm Applications in Java.
Advanced Topics |
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@echo off rem ---------------------------------------------------------------- rem To be used from the JDeveloper JUMP Extension, not in standalone rem ---------------------------------------------------------------- setlocal title JDev Extension for JUMP 2 - Java User Module for Palm set PROJECT_NAME=%1 set JUMP_HOME=%2 set J2SE_HOME=%3 set PRJ_HOME=%4 rem @echo Making project %PROJECT_NAME% @echo JUMP Tools location %JUMP_HOME% @echo J2SE located in %J2SE_HOME% @echo Project directory is %PRJ_HOME% if "%PROJECT_NAME%"=="" goto usage goto run :usage @echo Usage: %0 [className] @echo [className].jump might hold project properties goto theEnd rem :run call %JUMP_HOME%\init cd %PRJ_HOME% @echo Making [%PROJECT_NAME%] @echo ----------------------- @echo Compiling %PROJECT_NAME%.java @echo ----------------------- %J2SE_HOME%\javac %PROJECT_NAME%.java @echo ----------------------- @echo Building %PROJECT_NAME%.asm @echo ----------------------- pilrc -R %PROJECT_NAME%.res %PROJECT_NAME%.rcp @echo ----------------------- @echo Jumping %PROJECT_NAME% @echo ----------------------- java Jump %PROJECT_NAME% @echo ----------------------- @echo Assembling %PROJECT_NAME% @echo ----------------------- pila %PROJECT_NAME%.asm @echo ----------------------- @echo Done ! @echo ----------------------- rem %PROJECT_NAME%.prc :theEnd del *.bin del *.res del *.asm del *.class rem Load the PRC %JUMP_HOME%\userin.vbs call ~usrin.bat del ~usrin.bat 2> nul if /I "%usrin%" == "Y" %PROJECT_NAME%.prc endlocal rem pause exitAs seen above, JDeveloper is sending 4 arguments, used afterwards.
@echo off rem rem Oliv fecit, A.D. 2002 rem @echo Setting Env for JUMP 2 title JUMP 2 - Java User Module for Palm rem JUMP_HOME is the ABSOLUTE location of the current script set JUMP_HOME=D:\_Jump\jump rem JAVA_HOME is the ABSOLUTE location of java.exe set JAVA_HOME=D:\JDev903.1035\jdk\bin rem set PILRC_HOME=%JUMP_HOME%\..\pilrc-2.8 set PILA_HOME=%JUMP_HOME%\..\Asdk1a1\bin set PATH=%JUMP_HOME%;%JAVA_HOME%;%PILRC_HOME%;%PILA_HOME%;%PATH% set CLASSPATH=%JUMP_HOME%\jar\jump.jar;.This script has to be modified to fit your environment.
Next Features |
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